Green Business is Good Business
Today, going green means developing environmentally friendly paints and finishes, sourcing sustainable woods and metals, going beyond local and national regulations in clean manufacturing and waste disposal, and making deliveries on time while reducing our carbon footprint. We reduced our air emissions while increasing our seating business, so we know green business is good business. Hussey seating solutions come in a wide range of colors—but every day our seats get greener.
In the last several years, Hussey Seating has committed to further reducing hazardous pollutants and reducing waste. These environmentally friendly changes include:
- Banning use of all CFCs in spray mechanisms
- Reducing production of VOCs from 100 tons in 1996 to less than five tons today
- Reducing xylene use from two tons to .06 tons per year
- Switching to environmentally friendly paints and glues
- Recycling 83% of non-hazardous solid waste, while the rest is disposed of at a licensed waste-to-energy facility
- Reducing the amount of hazardous waste generated by 85% and reducing energy consumption by switching to environmentally friendly lighting and greener, more efficient motors.
At Hussey Seating, our commitment to sustainability goes beyond environmental awareness. As a thriving, family-owned business with deep roots in our native state of Maine, Hussey Seating is also helping to sustain our local and national economy.
Hussey Seating Company is dedicated to providing great jobs, making great products and supporting a wonderful way of life.