Glossary of Terms
Here is a glossary of commonly used terms with regards to seating needs and solutions:
Aisle Rail - See also Handrails - Safety Rails up the center or edge of an aisle. Multiple types available, ex. P-Rails; Manual Rotating Aisle Rails (MRAR); Auto-Rotating Aisle Rails (ARAR); Fold Down, Concrete Mounted, Inverted.
ARAR - See above Aisle Rail.
Anchor –Fastener - style and type to vary depending on application
Bank - This is the HSC term for one or multiple sections creating a seating configuration.
Bank Extension AKA BEX - Used to close gaps between a bank and a wall for Wall to Wall applications (no end rails)
Book to Ship (BTS) – Order due to ship within the Fiscal year.
Caster Horn - Wheel Assembly the entire unit will move upon
Column Cutout - The term is used to define all obstructions protruding from the wall. This can be behind the bleachers or on side walls that could affect operating clearances. Other examples of obstructions identified this way are pipes for drainage; wall jogs; wiring sleeves, etc.
CORB - Change Order Review Board - Weekly meeting to discuss all changes to products and related processes. Multiple functions of the business attend this meeting to ensure all facets of the company are aware of the changes. Each attendee is responsible for updating the team.
Courtside Seat - 10" or 12" Depth injection molded seat to be mounted to Maxam and MaxamPlus banks. Can also be mounted to stanchions & Concrete decking
Cross Aisle - Used to provide additional egress from a bank or to access exits in a building. Most common 4'-6" through 6'-2" in 4" increments.
COM - Customers Own Material – This abbreviation refers to the type of fabric for chair orders. COM Fabric will need to pass all testing before ship date can be committed to and a fee will apply for testing. If fabric does not pass HSC testing another fabric will need to be selected and the same fee maybe applied for each additional fabric selected by the customer.
CSM – Customers Specified Material – This abbreviation refers to the type of fabric for chair orders. CSM Fabric will need to pass all testing before ship date can be committed to and a fee will apply for testing. If fabric does not pass HSC testing another fabric will need to be selected and the same fee maybe applied for each additional fabric selected by the customer.
Deck / Decking - This is the floor of the bleacher - decking can be Clear, FSC, Polydeck, carpet & Extruded aluminum.
Delayed Action - Addition to power supply to move the bleacher while closed to a certain position before opening or closing
Drive Package - Assembly with framing encompassing electrical components to operate the bleacher.
End Cutout - Permanent cutout at the end of a section for ADA or other uses
End Rail(s) - Rails at the end of the bank for safety - Multiple options Ex. Self-Storing, Removable, Transportable, Vertical Removable
ETO – Engineered To Order – Custom components created for a specific application or scenario.
Flex Row(s) - Flexible seating across the front of a bank most used for ADA (American Disability Act - Wheel Chair seating) but also used for team seating, scorer’s table placement, band placement and more. These can be provided as Tier 2 power flexrows as concept will allow or at section breaks alone with Tier 1 and Manual power. Standard product limits apply.
Firewall – Purchase order review process / order placement.
Floor Attached - This signifies the method of anchoring for the bleacher. Wall attached units will be attached to either the load bearing wall (Wall Attached) or the floor at the last frame location. The Bleacher will be Lower wall attached or Floor attached. See also Lower Wall Attached.
Handrails - Safety Rails up the center or edge of an aisle. Multiple types available, ex. P Rails; Manual Rotating Aisle Rails (MRAR); Auto-Rotating Aisle Rails (ARAR); Fold Down, Concrete Mounted, Inverted. See also Aisle Rails.
Gusset – Panel seat of Clarin 4000 Series chairs that can be customized with a custom logo or message.
Hussey Connects - Web based tool for Configuring Maxam, Quattro, Metro and Accessories.
Also Known As: Concept, Maxazmizer (Dealer Group) & The Configurator (IT)
Integral Power - When the power for the bank is incorporated in the bank.
Intermediate Seat - Middle gang of seats per Row - Courtside10 or 12 (Courtside seats have Starter seats that begin each row and intermediate seats will complete the row)
Limit Switch - Electrical component to stop the bleacher once in the fully open or closed position
Lower Floor Attach - This signifies the method of anchoring for the bleacher. Wall attached units will be attached to either the load bearing wall (Wall Attached) or the floor at the last frame location (Lower wall attached). The Bleacher will be Lower wall attached or Floor attached. See also Wall Attached.
Metro - Style of Seat - can be mounted on MaxamPlus & MXP Platforms - traditionally beam mounted style chair.
Milestones – Predetermined dates for finishes, submittals and other items to ensure the project can be released to production with enough time to manufacture.
Motion Monitor - Beacon that makes sound and flashes when bleacher is in motion.
Nose - Steel (14GA-14 Gauge) Roll formed component that decking will mount to - critical to each bleacher
PF# - PF1, PF2, PF3 & PF4 are the standard levels of power for a Maxam bank.
Plug & Play Power – Alternate power supply where a receptacle is installed at time of rough in along the back wall. When the bleacher arrives on site there is a devise that is hard wired to the bleacher that gets plugged into the receptacle installed at rough in and the bleacher can be operated immediately eliminating the need for an electrical contractor on site at time of installation.
Polydeck – Type of Decking – 5/8 inch (16 mm) thick BC grade polyethylene-top-coated tongue and groove Douglas Fir plywood with Polyethylene overlay bonded to substrate, [0.03 inch (0.8 mm)] thickness. Comes in black, grey and beige. (BC Grade – Above Average industry standards for wood)
Power Frame – These are the frames that the power supply will be attached to under the bleacher. These frames are slightly different than standard frames to allow for the power to be incorporated.
Rear Filler - Used to extend the space behind the last row of seating for columns, transitions and other uses. Sizes are standardized, but custom sizes available with level 2 ETO review.
Rear Rail - Series of Rails to create a barrier at the back of the bleacher for safety where needed.
Recess - Alcove or space the bleacher must fit inside
Reverse Fold - Direction of movement the bleacher will take - this bleacher will close from the back to the front.
RFP – Request for Price.
RFQ – Request for Quote.
Rise - Height from one nose to the next nose.
Riser - Steel component designating height of each tier
Row Spacing - Depth of each Tier from nose to rear riser
Section - Frame stacks come in 'Section' Sizes
- Maxam26 Section Lengths - 9', 10.5', 12' 13.5' (increase by 18" all the way to 27')
- MaxamPlus Section Lengths - 9', 10.5', 12' 13.5' (increase by 18" all the way to 19.5')
Skirt Panel - Material spanning the length of the bleacher enclosing the framing
Sourcewell – Public procurement contract based in MN but recognized country wide.
- Satisfies your state requirements for the public bid process
- Approved in all 50 states and Canada (not Quebec)
- Competitive RFP process
- Your state statues allow you to use Sourcewell without having to issue ANOTHER RFP because all of Hussey Seating equipment has been bid and selected by Sourcewell.
- Hussey Seating selected as the most responsive bidder and was awarded this national contract.
Starter Seat - Starter Seat per Row - Courtside10 or 12 (Courtside seats have Starter seats that begin each row and intermediate seats will complete the row)
Stanchion – Stanchions are the component of the chair, bolted to a mounting surface in which the back and seat assemblies are attached to. (Also Known As: Standard or Leg)
Submittal – Package of the items sold with as much detail as known to go to the Dealership for review. The submittal package must be returned to HSC by a predetermined milestone date with all finishes and verifications per the package to hold the wanted ship date.
Tiers - This is the number of rows on the bank
Transition - The act of moving from one surface (ex. Bleacher) to another surface (ex. Balcony). Often Steps, Rails and rear fillers are needed to accommodate a transition.
Truncation - Area/Section of a bleacher that is closed off with front panels and rails. Often used for Egress, clearance for doors and site functionality. Can be permanently closed or recoverable.
Wall Attached - This signifies the method of anchoring for the bleacher. Wall attached units will be attached to either the load bearing wall (Wall Attached) or the floor at the last frame location. The Bleacher will be Lower wall attached or Floor attached. See also Lower Floor Attach.
WIP – Work In Production